Thoughts, insights and rants about futures, climate change, system change, transport, wicked problems, EDI, and heavy metal

By Professor Glenn Lyons

Fast fasion is a big player in terms of climate emissions

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Share the hell out of this post. Humans really are their own worst enemies (and everyone elses) as a species. Here’s another whopping 10% chunk of global emissions in the name (in part) of worshipping the god of consumption.

I need to take further steps of my own. Here’s my own state of play (over sharing?!):

πŸ‘” I have two suits that I bought new nearly seven years ago. An occasional trip to the dry cleaners. They have plenty of life left in them (in my view). A very occasional new shirt.

πŸ§›β€β™‚οΈ I have a dinner suit I bought in a second hand shop nearly 25 years ago – I’ve worn it about three times.

β˜” I did buy myself a new winter coat for work because my ‘Italian M&S’ one that in my mind was still serviceable (and I still have it) I was reliably informed looked very much past it after many years of wearing.

🀘 I still have my beloved leather jacket I bought from a second-hand shop in Glastonbury when I was a student in the 1980s.

🧦 I don’t darn my socks and the house rule (not my own) is that when a hole appears in the toe it goes to sock heaven.

🧦New pants and socks along with an occasional jumper and or jacket arrive as gifts at birthdays, Christmas and fathers’ day.

πŸ‘Ÿ I occasionally buy new shoes or get them as a gift and tend to rescue ones that are put on notice as they start to wear out.

🀘 My guilty pleasure is buying a new band t-shirt from a gig.

β™» We take unwanted clothes to a clothes bank (but have no idea where they go from there).

🀒 I have absolutely no interest in clothes shopping.

😎 I’m not a follower of fashion (who no doubt helps!). I imagine social pressure could make this one harder for a lot of people.

Hmmm…. so what does this reflective list leave me thinking?

I suppose the important step I need to take is to ask my family to try not to buy me as gifts any more clothes that aren’t second hand.

I guess I might also have to have an occasional go at touring the charity shops for any items I need.

What are the top tips out there for doable behaviour change that makes a worthwhile difference?




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