Thoughts, insights and rants about futures, climate change, system change, transport, wicked problems, EDI, and heavy metal

By Professor Glenn Lyons

Make Earth Great Again!

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For my CIHT presidential year I am focusing on the importance for all of us of authentically being sustainable, professional and inclusive.

We need to walk the walk on climate action, on equality diversity and inclusion, and on professionalism.

As part of my journey I have got a green cap to accompany me that has the slogan ‘Make Earth Great Again’.

If you’d like to show your support for the importance of authentically addressing the three core themes of the Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation (CIHT) when you see me out and about, please feel free to ask to be snapped wearing the cap for social media.

I appreciate not everyone will feel able to, but I wonder how much of a visible boost we could give to climate action, EDI and bringing our authentic selves to our professional roles over the course of the next 12 months?

Thank you to the brave supportive souls who have started us off – Annette Smith Steve Ellis Paul Hammond Sharad D Kerai Will Pedley Robin Lyons Catt Lyons Neil Johnstone

💚 Climate action

💙 Inclusion

🤘 Authentic self and professionalism




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